
KG Logo

KG Uniform

Yellow polo neck T-shirt

Grey Trouser with Belt

Grey Tracksuit

Green Sweater

White short pants and school belt, light green checked bush-shirt (sample available for viewing from the school), white socks, black shoes with Velcro, patka for Sikh boys : white
- PT Days (Summer)
T-shirt as per class colour (parents will be informed of the same at the beginning of the year), white short pants and school belt, white shoes with Velcro.
Worsted grey trousers, lemon polo neck shirt, dark grey socks, black shoes with Velcro, bottle green pullover with v-neck, bottle green patka for Sikh boys.
- PT Days (Winter)
Grey track suit (sample available at school), white shoes with Velcro, bottle green pullover with v-neck, bottle green patka for Sikh boys.

Junior A Front

Junior A Back

Junior B Front

Junior B Back

Junior C Front

Junior C Back

Junior D Front

Junior D Back

Junior E Front

Junior E Back

School Belt

Junior Uniform

Junior Lower Front

Junior Lower Back

Junior Lower Side

Yellow polo neck T-shirt

White shirt with Tie

Grey Trouser with Belt

Grey Tracksuit

Green Sweater

- SUMMER (March to October)
Short-sleeved white shirt (with school name engraved), white long trousers with the school belt, white socks, black shoes, white patka for Sikh boys.
- WINTER (November to February)
Worsted grey long trousers, Classes 1 & 2 : lemon coloured long sleeved polo necked shirts; Class 3 : white long-sleeved shirtshirts with collars wide enough to be comfortably buttoned and school tie, school belt, school pullover / school blazer, school sweatshirt (official only), grey socks, black shoes, bottle green patka for Sikh boys.
- PT Days
On PT days the students are to wear the school track suit with white keds (keds of other colours are not permitted).
If students are required to tog out, students must wear black shorts and white T-shirt (with no writing or design) or the school coloured T-shirt.

Middle & Senior Red House

Middle & Senior Yellow House

Middle & Senior Green House

Middle & Senior Blue House

Middle & Senior Beige House

Middle & Senior Front

Middle & Senior Back

Middle & Senior Lower Front

Middle & Senior Lower Back

Middle & Senior Lower Side

White shirt with Tie

Grey Trouser with Belt

Grey Tracksuit

Green Sweater

- SUMMER (March to October)
Short-sleeved white shirt (with school name engraved), white long trousers, school belt, white socks, black shoes. White patka for Sikh boys.
- WINTER (November to February)
Worsted grey long trousers, white long-sleeved shirts with collars wide enough to be comfortably buttoned, school belt, school tie, school pullover / school blazer, school sweatshirt (official only), grey socks, black shoes, bottle green patka for Sikh boys.
- PT Days
On PT days the students are to wear the school track suit with white keds (keds of other colours are not permitted). If students are required to tog out, students must wear black shorts and white T-shirt (with no writing or design) or the school coloured T-shirt.
All students are to keep their hair well groomed. Parents are responsible that their children’s hair is cut and well cared for.
Earing, wrist bands, the wearing of jewellery (chains / earrings, etc.) is strictly forbidden.
Mobile Phones & other electronic devices are not allowed
While parents may purchase the uniform from any dealer of their choice, the uniform must strictly adhere to the prescribed school uniform. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children are well dressed before leaving home, They are to encourage their children to wear the school uniform with pride.