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  • Event Date: 31-Aug-2023
  • Updated On: 11-Sep-2023
  • Total Photo(s): 3
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Description: Class 5C commenced the morning assembly with a thought to introduce the topic, ‘NEVER GIVE UP’. Students then offered their prayer to the almighty which is believed to provide peace and serenity to our minds. The prayer was followed by the affirmation on the essence of never giving up. Students narrated a short inspirational story of a man who is the true example of the saying, ‘Never Give Up’, Major Devendra Singh. His capability to never give up and always keep going no matter what inspired the students to fight tirelessly and motivated them to follow their passion and achieve their goals despite all odds. Students learned the lesson that everyone has bad days, don’t give up. Pause, rest, reset, restart but never quit. Always pick yourself up and keep going. Brother Robert enlightened us all with his valuable words. The assembly came to its end with a beautiful song and school anthem.
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