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  • Event Date: 28-Aug-2023
  • Updated On: 29-Aug-2023
  • Total Photo(s): 10
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Description: "Books are a uniquely portable magic." - Stephen King On August 28th, 2023, the students of Class 1B presented an assembly emphasizing the importance of reading books. Reading helps build confidence, creative expression skills and exposes children to new words. As children are introduced to new stories and words, it opens a world of possibilities and imagination for them, tapping into their highest potential. The assembly began with a lovely prayer, followed by a play that underscored the value of reading a book in an era dominated by smartphones and laptops. The skit was followed by a mesmerizing dance performance that further emphasized the theme of incorporating daily book-reading habits. A meaningful poem titled "Open a Book" was recited to instill healthy reading habits. Additionally, the students engaged in a "Move and Freeze" dance as a form of exercise, bringing a burst of energy among the students. The assembly left a lasting impact on the students, conveying the message that reading can bring about positive changes in our lives. It was made abundantly clear that a book cannot be replaced by a mobile device. Our Principal, Brother Robert, applauded the students' efforts and motivated them with words of wisdom, encouraging the students to read more books.