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  • Event Date: 10-May-2024
  • Updated On: 12-May-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 9
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Description: Class Assembly by 3D Date-10th May 2024 Topic- Integrity Integrity is like the compass guiding us through life's journey, ensuring we stay true to our values. For young students, imbibing integrity means not only doing what is right but also being honest in our actions. On May 10th, 2024, the boys of Class 3D presented the power of integrity in a morning assembly bringing forth the significance of being truthful and doing what is right. The assembly started with a moment of reflection, followed by thought-provoking quotes on integrity. The students presented a short skit that brought to life the story of Sam, a fictional character who stumbled upon a lost wallet and chose to return it to its rightful owner. Through the story, the students showcased the virtues of honesty in action. Following the skit, the stage came alive with a lively dance performance, with each letter of the word "INTEGRITY" representing a different aspect of this noble trait. As the assembly drew to a close, our esteemed Principal, Br. Robert delivered a message underscoring the importance of integrity and honesty as the most essential values for a peaceful, guilt-free and fulfilling life. Mrs. Kaushal, the Headmistress of the Junior Wing, echoed the same sentiments, encouraging the students to do the right thing even when no one is watching.