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  • Event Date: 25-Aug-2023
  • Updated On: 11-Sep-2023
  • Total Photo(s): 1
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Description: ‘Physical, behavioral, social and emotional well being are essential components of the learning environment.’ The middle school in association with the Times of India organised a Teachers’ Wellness Workshop on 25th August 2023.It was an engaging session led by Ms. Vandana Tandon. The resource person enabled the participants to develop a finer understanding of school health and wellness. The workshop was an insightful learning experience for all. The sessions offered the teachers strategies like yoga and breathing exercises to promote the holistic well being of the students in their classes. Teachers should encourage their children to identify the causes or triggers for their emotions to gain self awareness and sustain their emotional health and mental well-being. Ms. Tandon also addressed the teachers’ queries and guided them in using visualisation techniques to build emotional resilience. The middle school staff representative, Ms Sangeeta Tripathi, presented the vote of thanks. It was an enriching session and a reminder to prioritise health and well being.
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