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  • Event Date: 22-Apr-2024
  • Updated On: 26-Apr-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 9
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Description: This 22nd April - EARTH DAY - the students of the Middle section of St. Columba's School, renewed their commitment towards taking care of our planet through a host of activities. The ball was set rolling with a radio show titled, KAAM KI CHARCHA, organised over the intercom, by the teacher in charges of the activity, Mrs. Anup Kaur and Mrs. Neha Rawat! On 18th April, students across classes 4-10, were taken by surprise, when the two teachers in their RJ Avatar - brought their attention to this year's World Earth Day theme -" Planet vs. Plastic"!! They were yet again reminded of the urgent need to adopt sustainable practices to save the planet!! The students were invited to write a rap/song/poem, centred around the theme and also write down one resolve that they intend to make , to make the Earth a better place. The initiative received an overwhelming response and the students who sent in the best entries, joined the RJs on the second episode on 19th April and performed in the show!! On the 22nd, students began the day by generating awareness through a morning assembly and during the activity period, they engaged in the following activities, reinforcing their commitment to the planet: Students of classes 4&5, made hanging planters out of reused plastic, which were used to set up a mini vertical garden!! Students of classes 6-8, made bird feeders using eco friendly products like coconut shells, orange peels and the same were put up around the campus! Students of classes 9&10, gave expression to the theme, "Earth's Hope - plastic free scope" through posters, which have been displayed in the foyer!! The events served as a reminder to all stakeholders, that the planet needs to be nurtured the same way, as it nurtures us!! - (Mrs. Neha Rawat & Mrs. Anup Kaur)